Saturday, May 30, 2009

Great Links

I put links to favorite film sites under "awesome film links" on the top page.

Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is the place to go to find out "what other movie was she in?" or "Who played Nick on Family Ties and what was that stupid devil romance movie was he in?" (Scott Valentine - My Demon Lover).

Films101 - ranks just about every film made using a formula that only Mr. Boley could understand (maybe Mr. White). See where your fav film is. (Lebowski is 1397 - Fascists!)

Greatest Films w/ Tim Dirks - Mr. Dirks's site is chock full o' info about film. Several greatest lists & extensive information on beloved, well-regarded movies.

Rotten Tomatoes - Harvests reviews for films from all over the internets and ranks them on the "Tomameter." Will the new Transformers flick be fresh (no) or rotten (yes)? I go here before I see any film.

Filmspotting Podcast & site - Two guys from Chicago have been puttin' out the best film podcast for over three years. The podcast is professionally produced, entertaining, intelligent w/out being snobby and must-listening for any budding film student or film enthusiast. Each show ends with a top five list (check out previous top 5 lists on the site - facinating)

Please share any great film sites that you use!



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